With Josh and I both working full time, we needed to hire a chaperone for Cory. Enter Michael! Michael is a 22 year old musician (drummer) who happens to live around the corner. We've known Michael and his family forever. In fact, Josh and I used to babysit for Michael many, many years ago. Cory is excited to have a "cool older brother type" who will be taking care of him and getting him to and from rehearsals and shows. Michael is going to start full time in August while we continue to spend the rest of this month acclimating to our new routines and getting to know the other parents, etc. Michael is doing a few days here and there to get used to the routine, his first day was Saturday.
Saturday morning I headed into the city with Michael and Cory to show Michael the ropes. Even though this was only the end of week one, it feels like it's been months already. The days are long and there is a lot of back and forth. After we dropped Cory at rehearsal, I headed back home with Michael only to turn it around 3 hours later with Josh and Andrew to go pick Cory up. Cory came out of rehearsal happy and exhausted, but not too exhausted to go to Guitar Center. This seems to be the boys' routine as we did this on Wednesday and Friday too. Of the five new kids in the cast, three are musicians and they can't get enough of playing their instruments or each other. So after six hours of rehearsals, we all headed down broadway to Guitar Center. Watching these boys navigate the busy streets of the city, 20 feet ahead of us (Andrew's little legs simply could not move that fast), was nerve racking and also crazy. How is my kid old enough to be doing all of this?
In Guitar Center the kids jam out on the drums and guitars - swapping instruments, taking turns, playing solo and together. Turns out this is a popular spot for many kids in the cast. We ran into Raghav who is currently playing Freddie (the drummer) in the show. He is leaving at the end of the month and Levi, one of the new kids who started with Cory, will be taking over. Cory is understudying this role too. It was so funny to us that Raghav had just finished a 2:00pm show, needed to be back in a couple of hours for an 8:00pm show, and this is how he spent his free time - jamming on the drums at Guitar Center. The boys were super excited to see him and play with him. He is a celebrity in their eyes (and in general I guess!).
After Guitar Center we headed down to Tribeca to hang out with Zach's family. Afterall it was a Saturday night (even though it felt just like every day before). Sunday was more of the same. Grandma Leslie and Grandpa Irwin took Cory and brought him home (stopping at Guitar Center for a while before rehearsals). Cory had to arrive early for a vocal coaching followed by five hours of rehearsal. After rehearsal we all came together for dinner - Grandma Sheri and Poppops brought Ryan back, Grandma Leslie and Grandpa Irwin brought Cory back, and for the first time in what felt like the longest week ever, we all sat together for dinner.
Ping....the sound of my phone. The rehearsal schedule for this week arrives in my inbox. Here we go again....
I'm so glad you are documenting this. Definitely easier than repeating 1000 times for your friends of which there are many. I'm hanging on every word. So amazed by this entire journey you are all incredible. Love you and can't wait to see the show. Merav and sandy