Thursday, July 13, 2017


The saying "it takes a village" has never applied more than it does right now. Luckily we have a very supportive family and both Grandma Leslie and Grandma Sheri, for the month of July, each volunteer one day a week (at least) to take Cory to and from rehearsals. This week, additional guitar and drum lessons were added to the schedule, outside of rehearsal time, at Replay Music Studio in the West Village. It is a lot of schlepping!

Cory had rehearsal on Tuesday from 11:00am-5:00pm. Grandma Sheri was with Cory and they finished their night, with Poppops, at Ellen's Stardust Diner. What an experience that was!

As Poppops wrote on Facebook, "Cory was announced to his public".

There is no doubt that all the grandparents are excited. They tell anyone who will listen!
They also will use any excuse for a photo op.
Cory and his awesome waiter Samuel at
Ellen's Stardust Diner

Fun at Guitar Center!

On Wednesday, Grandma Leslie took Cory to rehearsal, 11:00am-5:00pm. While Cory was at the studio, Grandma went to the theater! 

Grandma Leslie took in a show while Cory was at rehearsal
After rehearsal, Grandma Leslie and Cory headed downtown to Replay for a guitar lesson. Cory had a drum lesson after rehearsal on Monday night. These are long days for Cory. He is very happy AND very tired. He's sleeping until 8:00am, sometimes even 9:00am. Cory is the kind of kid who always woke up early, even if he went to bed super late. The days are just exhausting and he is clearly needing more sleep. I can't imagine what it will be like when the shows begin.

Thursdays are Cory's day off and this week he did not need root canal (although root canal part 2 will be next Thursday). He was so excited to have time to just chill and have a play date with his friend Jordan. Surprise, surprise, they wanted to jam. I'm telling you, this kid just can't get enough of playing music. He was also really excited to go swimming. I forget that he's having a totally unconventional summer and hasn't really been to the pool, outside, etc. Not that he's complaining!

Tomorrow is back to rehearsal at 12:00pm and he will finish the day with vocal coaching at 6:00pm. He is super excited for Saturday when after rehearsal he will be going to the show and watching from backstage while he "trails" the kid who is currently playing the part of James. Cory is giddy when he talks about Saturday night. I can't wait to hear all about it!


  1. Grandma Leslie and Grandpa Irwin are super excited and happy that we are there to help. After I dropped him off Wednesday night after a very long day, Cory just wanted to veg. I told him to get into pj's and relax for the rest of the night. (It was after 9.) I told him I was not going to stay. He said, it's ok grandma I know it was a long day for you too!

  2. I could watch(and have!)these priceless videos over and over --especially love Ryan's reaction...BROADWAY...BROADWAY...You're gonna be on BROADWAY - with real people!! <3
    Cory has changed so much already in these past few weeks --- all in his element!
